The Thrill of Self-Publishing Thrillers: Joanna Penn – Episode 45

If Joanna Penn wasn’t an entrepreneur when the novelist bug bit, she was certainly on her way there, with a web log and podcast about self-publishing and a regular speaking gig. Then a chance encounter with NaNoWriMo, an annual writing challenge, resulted in over fifty thousand words of her first novel, the occult action thriller Pentecost.

Joanna levered her existing knowledge of the publishing industry to make Pentecost (now known as Stone of Fire), its sequels in the Arkane series and her second book series, London Psychic, into independent publishing success stories. After having listened to her podacst for years, it was a privilege to chat with Joanna about how she makes sure to keep her noveling, blogging, podcasting and speaking plates all spinning, how Australia helped her discover the Amazon Kindle and just what it means to keep showing up for your dream every day, even when you’re already what most would consider a success.

Chat-Only version:

What’s your play?

Which novels are your favourites?

How do you make sure to create something new every day?

Joanna Penn, a.k.a. JF Penn, Novelist

Where it all started – NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month


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Joanna Penn, The Creative Penn – Self Publishing Coach


On Facebook

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On Amazon

Inspiration and Motivation

NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month (Every November since 1999)

James Bond movies

Con Air

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne la Mott

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King

Writing Down The Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, by Natalie Goldberg


Amazon Kindle

Things App (iOS / Mac)


Probogger – Darren Rowse

The Entrepreneur’s Journey – Yaro Starak

Featured image from The Creative Penn website.