Tag Archives: web services

GTRF! Episode 4: The Marcus Herstik Interview

In early 2012 I was playing with the idea of podcasting after a friend introduced me to LibriVox and recording public domain texts for the hard of hearing. I decided to start my own podcast, Get Talking, Rob Farquhar! (this was when robf.com.au was called, Get Writing, Rob Farquhar!) by reading my own work and the things I wanted to read – but then came Episode 4, and everything changed…

This time around I decided to try something different from reading a story: Conducting an interview. And who better to start with than the guy I pay the monthly ‘Net bill to?

Image by Marcus Herstik

In all seriousness, Marcus Herstik is not only the man behind the company that hosts this very site, he’s a self-employed digital entrepreneur who’s been taking these touch economic times in stride. Not only that, he’s one of the most solid cats I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. In this interview, I ask him about how he got to where he is today and what advice he’d give to people who are still trying to figure out their personal definitions of success (like me).

Marcus, thank you once again for your time, your willingness to be the subject of my first recorded interview and – well, for being so damn cool in general!

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