Tag Archives: Rooster Teeth

What Does the Life of Monty Oum Mean for Us?


I can’t remember hearing of Monty Oum until, I think Wednesday, when I spotted a cosplay based on the Rooster Teeth-produced show RWBY on DeviantArt. Right under it was the photographer’s comment:

RIP Monty Oum, creator of RWBY.
This one’s for you, buddy.
You were a huge inspiration to many of us.
Miss you.

As I scrolled down past the picture into the comments, I couldn’t help but notice that for every comment complimenting the artist on her cosplay, there was one saying how sad it was, what happened to Monty.

So I went over to the Rooster Teeth website and found out in very short order just who Monty Oum was and what had happened to him. And that, even though I’d not bothered watching RWBY, I’d been in awe of his work for a good few years now.

Though the tribute video they put together was meaningful, it was the Rooster Teeth Podcast episode where four memebers of the team talked about their time with Monty which really told me about the guy. What I heard… it made me wonder about me. And the rest of us.

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