Resurrecting Great Games: Lukas Litzsinger, Episode 27

We talk a lot about career plans and focusing on goals when we think about where we want to be. But sometimes, you discover an opportunity that takes one of your side interests and shoves it off the pedestrian pavement and straight into your career path.

For Lukas Litzsinger, that opportunity was a job vacancy on the website of tabletop game publishers, Fantasy Flight Games. The vacancy was on the team behind his favourite game (A Game of Thrones – The Card Game), and though he’d studied journalism and copy writing in college, he pursued it – which led him to a career in game design and the chance to resurrect one of the best collectable card games of all time, Netrunner, in a new form.

Lukas took the time to sit down with me over Skype for a chat about how he came to work for Fantasy Flight Games, what designing games as a day job involves and just the recent explosion in interest in tabletop games means in this era of smartphone game apps and massive online multiplayer experiences – not to mention some mutual gushing about how awesome Android: Netrunner is!

Are you curious?

The box art for Android: Netrunner. Image from Fantasy Flight Games.

The box of Android: Netrunner – The Card Game.

What are your favourite tabletop games and why?

What passion or career have you discovered by accident or chance?

Show Notes

Lukas Litzsinger’s Games

Android: Netrunner – The Card Game

Warhammer: Invasion – The Card Game

Other Games

A Game of Thrones – The Card Game

Axis & Allies

The Settlers of Catan

Gaming Web Sites

The box of the Cataclysm expansion for the Warhammer Invasion card game.

The box of the Cataclysm expansion for Warhammer: Invasion – The Card Game.

Board Game Geek

Kickstarter: Tabletop Games

Cairns Boardgamers

Lukas’ Interests

The Lord of the Rings on Wikipedia

Dan Simmons, author of Hyperion

Featured image from Lukas Litzsinger. Box art for Warhammer Invasion: The Card Game – Cataclysm Expansion and Android: Netrunner – The Card Game sourced from the Fantasy Flight Games website.