A Break in January

The main image for this posting is the box in which I keep my sound kit; mic, mixing board, USB interface, cables, headphones and pop filter, with cloth cover and silica gel bag. I took the picture this morning after disassembling everything and packing it away under my desk.

(Handy little box, isn’t it? Great for mobile recordings – if my netbook weren’t buggered.)

The last few days have been pretty heavy on for the Podcast, between compiling a wishlist of guests for 2016, recording thank-yous to my 2015 guests and Patreon patrons and finally making Lost Episode 70 real. But in the name of preserving my sanity, I think the best thing I can do now is put it all aside for a little while, quite possibly until the end of the month. So no contacting potential guests, no scheduling, no recording, no editing, no posting.

I’m looking at doing some fairly unfamiliar stuff in 2016, and the routines I’ve built up for Paid to Play are largely familiar by now. Rather than give in to the nervous pressure to get onto potential guests ASAP – right when they’re probably in the middle of their holidays – I’d like to spend my immediate time on setting myself up to give the unfamiliar things the best chance of success and let everyone I intend to pester for their time do the same.

I think New Year’s has rolled around for a good chunk of the planet by now, so I hope you all had a good and happy time and that any risks taken were properly assessed beforehand! Take it easy for the next little while, all!

What’s your play?

What are your plans, for getting paid to play and otherwise, for 2016?

How are you giving yourself the best chance of success with your plans – or, at least, not driving yourself insane in attempting to enact them?